Thursday, 19 March 2009

Re-Evolve Marketing Event

Re-Evolve is holding a marketing event in London on the 25th March.  We'll be heading off into Westminster in the morning to interview young people about what they would want from a careers resource.  In the afternoon we will retire to the Greenside Community Centre to discuss what we have discovered from the survey.  Hopefully the result will help us work out exactly what we need for our website!

If you are age 16-25 and interested in coming to the event as a volunteer please contact

Tel Mon, Tues, Fri – 0207245 2267

Tel Wed, Thurs – o2o8 9620 721

Everyone is welcome and it's a great opportunity to find out about the practical side of marketing and business!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Newsletters and other fun stuff

I've been researching how to set up a newsletter for Re-Evolve. We've been thinking that we need to reinstate it as a communication tool and that we want it to be better designed and more eye catching than ever before. However, to do that we need to have a system set up so I've been researching all the different options. Incidentally if anyone knows of a free newsletter distributor which gives users the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe automatically I'd love to hear about it!

The newsletter stuff is all very well of course but it isn't the most fascinating thing to look at. I could show you my research, although I doubt many people would find it all that riveting. Useful maybe. So instead here is a little sketch I did to keep in practice.

It was done using black watercolour paint (because I hate using ink and watercolour is easily available) and a paint brush on a piece of A5. The rules were that it had to be a quick painting with no guide lines. Every line I drew had to remain visible because I can't erase paint and no touch ups to make it neater on the PC. Additionally I wanted to test my ability to draw movement. It also helps that it's quite fun to paint this way :)