Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Giant Database?

Does this sound slightly scary to anyone else? I really don't like the idea of the government keeping tabs on everything I do. I mean emails and telephones calls would be bad enough, but keeping track of all the Internet sites I visit? It isn't even as if I go on any that I'd mind people knowing about, I just don't want the government to know exactly how many Disney and cute animal websites I visit everyday!
The personal information they could amass is much more terrifying, and not just because it could focus on me. It may be because I'm a lit student but a Big Brother state isn't something I think we should be aiming for. Of course I'm not the first person to say it, but it does make things all the more alarming that I feel the need to repeat it. Admittedly the government spying on us is nothing new, but it used to be a little bit funny when you could trigger having a phone call recorded by repeating the word bomb. I had some friends who used to take it as a challenge to see if they could set it off. "Yeah, that party was a BOMB last night!" *click* "Hey it worked!" Maybe the answer would be to fill all our communications with rubbish so that no one would bother reading it.
Oh well, I'm sure the government allegedly has our best interests in mind, they just come over really creepy with their suggestions sometimes.

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