Thursday, 8 January 2009

Jack and the Careerstalk!

Long time, no blog. I should do something about that. Mainly this is because we haven't been in the office much over the holiday period, and we were mainly writing up information. As important as this is talking about writing up careers resources and interviews does not make for a particularly interesting blog entry.

However, I haven't spoken yet about the presentation Re-Evolve did for Vital Regeneration's Award Ceremony which attempted to explain the goals of Re-Evolve through the medium of panto. The basic concept is that Re-Evolve can help a young person's career grow like the beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk. So Jack and the Careerstalk was born!
With the volunteers dressed as fairies to symbolise how we are enabling young people and volunteers representing the young people the beans were changed into growing flowers to symbolise the potential of the young person to grow and follow their chosen career.

Sadly I was unable to attend the event, due to a prior commitment with the RSPCA. (I was volunteering though, that must prove my dedication!) I do enjoy dressing as a fairy from time to time so it was a little disappointing. I was involved in making all those props though, so I was happy enough. I love crafting :)

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