Wednesday, 4 February 2009


We at Re-Evolve have been working on a presentation recently to send to companies we'd like to make partnerships with.  In the future we hope to have a group of affiliated companies that will be able to provide our volunteers with work experience.  This way our volunteers will be able to get practical work experience and our careers resource will grow exponentially with quality resources!  We also hope that the system will benefit the companies by giving them the help of a volunteer in their company.

Of course this needs presenting to the companies and that's what the presentation is for.  The last few weeks have been spent organising and debating the best way in which to write out and present our information.  As part of this I've made up some graphics to help convey what we do.

I did want to add an image of my graphics but for some odd reason the computer and Blogger are conspiring against me.  This is annoying, but I'll try and add the picture in later instead.  Basically my graphics look like DNA exploding out of the test tube in the Re-Evolve logo.  It's meant to be a bit like a spider diagram, but more attractive.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yes your graphics are FANTASTIC Sarah! Your vision is now the heart of the presentation! WOO :-) XX