Wednesday 8 October 2008

Market Crash?

Yeah, that's not a good thing, right? I mean from an economic point of view it's bad enough, but I can't help but think about it in terms of how it relate to me personally.

I suppose that isn't all that unusual, let's face it everyone is most concerned about themselves. The problem is I look at all these layoff and think "Well, that ups the competition for me considerably." Frankly it isn't a good scenario for young people trying to enter the work place, and we can feel slightly justified that the situation isn't our fault because we haven't had a chance to mess up the economy yet. I'm sure my generation will do something stupid en mass eventually, but the point is we haven't yet.

In a way I suppose this means that trying to find out how to break into the world of work is more important than ever. Any advice we can provide will definitely be needed.

Oh well, on the plus side being worried about jobs is better than my other first thought on hearing about the recession was "At least we'll get some cheerful films out of this." Seriously, whenever there is a depressing period in history Hollywood will make a larger number of happy films. It's like they're saying "Life sucks? Don't worry, here's a musical." And that is why we have The Wizard of Oz and Footlight Parade.

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