Thursday 23 October 2008

This time every year...

I think I have cold coming on, and as my title suggests it's become something of an annual tradition. Then again half of the rest of the world seems to agree with me so it's not quite like I'm in bad company.

It's also the time of year when I remember that it does get quite cold again. During the summer months I usually magage to forget how much I dislike winter and as a result I'm always unpleasantly surprised.

The upside is that during autumn and winter there are always lots of events on during the run up to Christmas. I can rely on those to improve my day! Right now The London Games Fringe is coming up, and November holds a special place in my heart as NaNoWriMo. In truth it isn't National Novel Writing Month so much as International Novella Writing Month, but I do look foward to it. The goal of writing 50000 words in a month is quite doable (I have managed it twice before) and if nothing else it is a great excuse to stay nice and warm inside with my laptop. Even my annual cold can't stop me from doing that!

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