Wednesday 1 October 2008

Internet Marketing

So I've been looking into Internet Marketing recently to try and figure out how to get that big old bundle of interwebs working in my favour. Considering how much time I spend surfing on there you'd have thought I'd have picked something up by now, but wouldn't you know it there's more to it than knowing how google works.

All of this is why I spent a good portion of yesterday reading Internet Marketing, Strategy Implementation and Practice by Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Kevin Johnston and Richard Mayer. With all those names you know there has to be some good ideas in the book! And there were, but more importantly it was well written. That's not to say that every page held me gripped, it's probably not possible for any reference book to do that, but the ideas and concepts were clearly explained and the writing style was easy to read. You can find out more about the books at I was reading the third edition, but there's a later one now too. Either way there are some good links on that site.

Most importantly the book gave me some ideas for things that Vital Re-Evolve could do to raise their profile. I love information that I can use (for good, not evil).

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