Wednesday 29 October 2008

The Weather Outside...

Is frightful! And I mean that in the strongest sense of the word. Sure, the snow looks all sparkly and pretty now, but in reality it's just made everything cold and wet.

Better yet last night I think it caused a power cut. The power was coming and going for an hour before it cut out completely at 9:30. It came back again around 12:30, which I was accutely aware of because I'd left the light on my bedroom on without realising it and when the power came back it woke me up. True, in the grand scheme of things that isn't too bad, but it does give me yet another reason to not lke snow.

At least the trains were running into London this morning. I was half expecting them not to be. But I'm glad that I was able to get in to work at Re-Evolve today, I don't like it when the weather stops me from doing things.

1 comment:

Emily said...

:-) I'm reading your blogs on a Saturday night Sarah!! That IS love :-) . And my family have now seen your boots so they love you too. Enjoy this wintry weather by writing those 5,000 words! Otherwise I will pop my largest singing bowl over your head on Wednesday ;-)XX